Durascan Barcode Scanners, NFC Readers and Accessories

Reliable Barcode Scanners and NFC Readers for Rugged Work Environments

Revolutionizing Rugged Workspaces with Durability and Innovation

DuraScan data readers provide the ultimate blend of resilience, performance, and durability for industries that require reliable capture solutions:

Tailored Solutions for Robust Scanning Requirements

The DuraScan devices are specially designed for workers in rugged conditions with unique durability requirements. Choose from the ergonomic, handheld D600 and D700 series, or opt for the attachable D800 series to form an all-in-one solution by combining your scanner and mobile device.

Versatile Scanning Solutions for Durable Environments

Get the job done wherever you deploy your device.

  • Multiple configurations for versatile workplaces 
  • Seamless integration with business applications  
  • High-performance 1D/2D barcode scanning 

Drop & Weather Resistant Rubber Casing

The DuraScan family sets itself apart due to its rubber casing and resilient data capture performance within outdoor environments that contain:

  • Hard/Concrete Floors 
  • Wetness or Rain 
  • Cold storage  
  • Dirt/dust or other small particles

Ease of Integration with CaptureSDK

Application developers who wish to enable the DuraScan family for their apps can do so through Socket Mobile's CaptureSDK. One integration allows app providers to offer any of Socket Mobile's data capture products interchangeably.