Aztec Code Overview

Aztec Code was published in 1997 by AIM and created by Andrew Longacre Jr. and Robert Hussey in 1995. It is named after the resemblance of the central finder pattern to an Aztec pyramid.

Aztec Sample Barcode


You can enable or disable this symbology on your Socket Mobile scanner simply by scanning the codes below. Note: Scanner must be in a disconnected state before scanning the command barcode.

Habilite Aztec Code escaneando el siguiente código de barras*:

Enable Aztec Barcode

Disable Aztec Code by scanning the barcode below:


See full data reader programming guides Opens Worldwide site for more info and troubleshooting.

Troubleshooting / FAQ

Q: Typical Aztec Code usage

A: Transportation, ticketing, airline industry, warehouse

Q: How to remove number of characters from Aztec Code?

A: App coming soon, please fill out a barcode support form.

Q: Need more help?

A: Go here for additional barcode troubleshooting and FAQs.

Programming support.

Need further assistance? Our programming support team is standing by, ready to help.